Vacancies 2017
Project Manager at the Joint Secretariat of the Interreg V-A EMR Programme (Euregio Meuse-Rhine)
Full-time position under Belgian law

Interreg V-A EMR in brief:
Welcome to the Euregio Meuse-Rhine where crossing borders is part of daily life. When working in the EMR, you may start your day in Liège (Belgium), continue with business meetings in Maastricht
(the Netherlands) and conclude your day in the beautiful old town of Aachen (Germany). In fact, more than four million inhabitants value the borderless combination of vibrant cities, world-class
research, rich cultural heritage and untouched nature every day.
Since 1991, cross-border cooperation projects between the Belgian, German and Dutch partner regions have been supported by Interreg. The fifth generation of the Programme covers the entire
territory of the Euregio Meuse-Rhine as well as several adjacent regions in Belgium and the Netherlands. Altogether, EUR 140 million of public funding have been made available by the European
Union and the Programme partners (Member States, regions) for joint actions in the fields of innovation, economy, social inclusion, education and territorial development.
The Province of Limburg (Netherlands) has been designated as the Managing Authority (MA) and Certifying Authority (CA) of the Interreg V-A EMR Programme. Consequently, the MA is also responsible
for the coordination of the Joint Secretariat (JS) located in Eupen (East Belgium).
What are the Project Managers doing?
In close collaboration with the MA and the Regional Antennas (RAs) of the Programme, the Project Managers at the JS support the development of new projects, assess the quality of submitted
applications and monitor the implementation of approved operations. Consequently, face-to-face meetings with project beneficiaries, state aid compliance checks and regular reporting duties
towards the MA and the Programme partners belong to the broad portfolio of the Secretariat’s project-related tasks. Further to that, the Project Managers support the MA in the preparation of
strategic Programme documents and the implementation of the evaluation strategy for the programming period 2014-2020. Finally, the JS serves as the liaison between the MA and the RAs and takes
initiative for closer cooperation with other Interreg programmes in Europe.
Who are we looking for?
The JS of the Interreg V-A EMR Programme is looking for an experienced, committed and creative Project Manager who is enthusiastic to contribute to the success and further development of the
Interreg V-A EMR Programme. Consequently, good understanding and practical experience in the management of European Territorial Cooperation programmes and/or projects is an indispensable
requirement for candidates interested in the vacant position.
When serving the applicants, beneficiaries and stakeholders of the Programme, the chosen
candidate benefits from her/his sense for intercultural differences as well as her/his well-developed
teamwork, communication and organisational skills. Her/his accuracy, result orientation and
flexibility help her/him to handle a wide variety of tasks without compromising the good quality of
her/his work. At the same time, she/he performs her/his tasks in an independent and timely
manner, thus ensuring sound, efficient and result-oriented project management for the benefit of
the Euregio.
What do we offer?
The chosen candidate will be recruited at earliest possible date.
The monthly gross salary is defined around 3.900 € depending on qualification, experience, etc.
Furthermore, other extra-legal advantages are foreseen.
The Province of Limburg as the Managing Authority and the Stichting Euregio Maas-Rijn as the host
of the Joint Secretariat in Eupen offer an international working environment which acknowledges
teamwork, performance and initiative. At the same time, the members of the EMR team benefit
from personal development plans and an open feedback culture.
Workingplace will be located partly in Eupen and partly in Maastricht.
What is essential for us (mandatory requirements):
- university degree in a field relevant for the Programme;
- at least 5 years of professional experience in the management of Interreg programmes or projects, preferably gained at both levels;
- oral and written fluency (C1) in English and in one (or more) of the Programme languages (Dutch, French, German);
- strong analytical skills and the ability to well-structure and present complex matters;
- commitment to cross-border cooperation;
- intrinsic motivation and a positive attitude towards change and challenges;
- well-developed communication, presentation, moderation and teamwork skills.
What is also interesting for us (additional assets):
- theoretical and practical knowledge in one (or more) of the thematic priorities chosen by the Programme (innovation, SME support/sustainability, social inclusion, education, labour market, territorial development);
- understanding of political-administrative structures and relationships;
- moderation of multilateral stakeholder processes;
- experience in financial management, the use of simplified cost options (SCOs) and/or the management of state aid;
- experience in the preparation/implementation of Programme evaluations and/or the drafting of annual implementation plans;
- experience in advising and guiding applicants;
- commitment to accuracy and reliability;
- ability to work under stress.
How to apply:
In order to apply, please submit your motivation letter and curriculum vitae in English to until 8 May 2017, 16:00 CET. When
presenting their motivation, candidates should try to convince the Programme of their suitability for the announced position.
Short-listed candidates will be inviting to an interview. Most likely the interviews will be held in week 20 and/or 21. Only short-listed candidates will be contacted by the Programme bodies.
Where to get more information:
For any further questions on the process and working conditions, please contact Mr. Michael Dejozé, Executive Director of the Stichting Euregio Maas-Rijn:
For any further questions on the profile and scope of the position, please contact Mr. Mark Vos, Coordinator of the Interreg V-A EMR Program:
PhD student at the Lancaster University (UK)
The Lancaster University is looking for a PhD student for three years (full 3 year studentship)

Deadline for Applications: Mon 27 February 2017
Funding Type: Directly Funded PhD Project (European Students Only)
Supervisors: Prof Ian Dodd (Lancaster) and Dr Richard Whalley (Rothamsted Research)
To maintain yields, UK potato crops are usually irrigated, but this irrigation can affect soil properties. Thus boom or gun irrigation can damage the ridge causing slumping and loss of porosity (increased bulk density) while drip irrigation may result in uneven water distribution. Incorporating organic amendments may mitigate these impacts, but the mechanisms by which soil management and irrigation interact to affect crop yields are poorly understood.
Plant roots sense changes in soil strength and soil moisture, thereby altering phytohormone production and export to the shoots (root-to-shoot signalling). In the shoot, these signals regulate leaf expansion (affecting radiation interception), gas exchange (determining photosynthesis) and ultimately canopy senescence (critical for tuber bulking). However, signalling responses to factorial combinations of soil strength and soil moisture are poorly understood, as are the regulation of whole plant (as opposed to single leaf) responses to this signalling.
This project will investigate the physiological mechanisms by which changes in soil properties ultimately affect crop yields. Laboratory experiments will measure root signal export and whole plant leaf expansion / photosynthesis of plants exposed to different soil bulk densities and water content. Field experiments (some of which will be based at NIAB in Cambridge: will assess signalling and its impacts on photosynthesis and canopy dynamics. Concurrent measurements of soil properties (bulk density, penetrometer resistance) will allow development of a biophysical model to predict signalling and the physiological impacts of altered soil conditions. Experiments will examine plant responses to changes in soil properties in controlled environment and glasshouse studies in constructed soils, and in field experiments where potatoes are grown in soils that have been managed differently.
Funding Notes
Full 3 year studentship (UK/EU tuition fees and stipend (£14,296 2016/17 [tax free])) for UK/EU students. Unfortunately studentships are not available to non-UK/EU applicants.
You can find more here:
Research Associate (PhD student, 65% 13 TV-H)
The Department of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition seeks for a three-year period a Research Associate (PhD student, 65% 13 TV-H) for the joint research project „Upgrading of Sewage Ponds for the Production of Irrigation Water on the Example of Cuvelai Etosha Basin in Namibia“ at the earliest possible date.

Your duties
- Independent planning, implementation and conduct of scientific open field experiments on the effects of waste water irrigation on crop productivity and quality as well as soil properties
- Collection, analysis and interpretation of experimental data
- Independent management of experimental facilities (irrigation system)
- Coordination of the activities on site and cooperation with the local project partners
- Reporting and publishing of the results
Your profile
- Master degree in horticulture or agriculture with a specialisation in plant sciences
- Profound knowledge in plant cultivation experiments incl. statistical analysis
- Knowledge and experience in tropical agriculture are desirable
- Willingness to stay in Northern Namibia (Outapi) for extended periods
- Strong communication - and cooperation skills in an international context
- Excellent English skills, both written and spoken
Our offer
- Interesting and challenging position in an international und multidisciplinary team of scientists, engineers and growers
- Payment is made according to professional experience and qualification up to 13 TV-H
- Applications of suitably qualified women are particularly desirable
- Severely disabled applicants (§ 2 Abs. 2 and 3 SGB IX) with equal qualification and aptitude are given preferential consideration
Please direct your applications enclosing all relevant documents and quoting the reference number 02/2017 to our human resources department until January 31 2017 to Hochschule Geisenheim University, Abteilung Personal/PE, Von-Lade-Straße 1, 65366 Geisenheim or by e-mail to:
The first address for you questions is Ms Meurer, Tel. +49-6722 502-223, e-mail:
For content related issues please contact Dr. Johannes Max, Tel. +49-6722 502-433, e-mail: or Prof. Dr. Jana Zinkernagel, Tel.: +49-6722 502-511, e-mail:
Please send copies only, since your documents will not be returned. Otherwise please enclose an addressed envelope with sufficient postage for return.